About me

Hi my name is faith ulimasao and i am in a family of 5 (not including my pets) and we all live at 42 Fendella street in auckland. I have 4 pets,A parrot,A Cocktail and two guinea pigs(One boy and One girl)

Go to w3schools
Go to Small_Triumph

My subjects are..

  1. 9DIT
  2. MUSB
  3. MUSC
  4. PEH
  5. SCI
  6. MAT
  7. SSC
  8. ENG

My Teachers..

My favourite thing i like the most is Music cause it just takes me away into soothing sounds.Just the fact that music just flows and suddenly your intrested and it just has the sort of beat to move your body(But it depends if you like that sort of music)